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FOKKER  E3 “Eindecker”

Fokker E-3 “Eindecker” E-1 modelinin geliştirilmiş bir modelidir ve Fokker “Eindecker” permutasyonunun en önemli üyesidir. Fokker Flugzeug-Werke GmbH tarafından üretilen bu model 1915 Eylül’ünde Alman Hava Kuvvetleri’nde göreve başlamıştır. E-1 modeli ile temel farklılıları 80 HP’lik döner (rotary) motorun 100 HP’lik daha güçlü bir motorla değiştirilmiş olması, daha güçlü ve dış ölçüleri daha büyütülmüş bir gövdeye sahip olmasıdır. E-3 modeli 260 adet ile en çok üretilen Fokker “Eindecker”dir (E-1: 54 adet, E-2: 59 adet, E-3: 260 adet, E-4: 45 adet).

E-3’ler Osmanlı ordusu’nda da görev yapmıştır. Bunlardan en önemlisi Filistin cephesi’nde bulunan, Alman pilotlarının da görev yaptığı FA-300 “Paşa” bölüğüdür. 9 adet E-3  Osmanlı Ordusu’nda 1915-1917 arası görev almıştır.

Fokker E-3 “Eindecker” ia an advanced  derivateive of  E-1 and it is the most important member of the Fokker “Eindecker” permutation.  This model produced by  Fokker Flugzeug-Werke GmbH joined the Luftwaffe starting on September 1915. The main differences with the E-1 model are the alteration of the 80-HP engine with the 100-HP Oberursel, more fortified body with increased dimensions. It is the most produced one among the “Eindecker” models with 260 examples (E-1: 54 pcs, E-2:59 pcs, E-3:260 pcs, E-4: 45 pcs.)

E-3’ler also served at the Ottoman Armed Forces which formed the nucleus of what is the Turkish Air Force nowadays. The most important among these is the FA-300 “Pascha” Regiment in Palestine in which the german pilots also served. 9 of model E-3 served within the Ottoman Air Force in between 1916 and 1917.


Mürettebat/Crew: 1 , motor/engine: 1 x Oberursel “rotary”, gücü/power:100 HP, kanat açıklığı/wingspan: 10.0m, uzunluk/length: 7.16m, yükseklik/height: 2.29m, boş ağırlık/empty weight: 398 kg, azami kalkış ağırlıpı/max. to. wt.: 609 kg, azami hız/max speed: 141 km/h, tavan/ceiling: 4115m, silah donanımı/armament. 1 x 7.92mm MG

Seri Numaraları/Serial Numbers.

Türk Askeri No.su/Turkish Military Nr       Fabrika No.su/Factory Nr        Katılım tarihi/Date of deployment

F 5                                                                          597                                           06/1916

F 6                                                                          598                                           06/1916

F 7                                                                          639                                           08/1916

F 8                                                                          537                                           09/1916

F 9                                                                          482                                           09/1916

F 10                                                                        347                                           08/1916

F 11                                                                        599                                           06/1916

F 12                                                                        642                                           08/1916

                          F 13                                                                        641                                           08/1916
Editör :   M. Haluk SEVEL