Compagnie Gabriele Voisin firması tamamı itici pervaneli ve tek
motorlu 3 değişik tip hafif bombardıman uçağı üretmiştir.
Bunlardan ilki 1914’de hizmete giren 100HP Renault motorlu
Voisin.3’dür. Daha sonra motoru 120HP’lik Salmson M9 ile değiştirilen
bu uçağı 1915 yılında Voisin.5 takip etmiştir. Voisin 5’lerin
standart motoru 150 HP Salmson P9’dur. Son model de 1916’de
hizmete giren, 220HP Peugeot ile donatılmış Voisin.8’dir. Voisin
5’ler 300 adet ile en çok üretilen modeldir. 1916 yılına kadar
Batı Cephesi’nde görev yapmışlardır.
silahlı kuvvetlerinin elinde bulunan 2 adet Voisin.5 Nisan 1918’de
Ruslardan ele geçirilmiştir. 7. Tayyare Bölüğü’nde hizmete
giren uçaklar 1918 yılı Eylül ve Kasım aylarında kaybedilmiştir.
French firm Compagnie Gabriele Voisin designed and produced three
different versions of light bombers all of which were equipped with a
single engine and pusher propellers. The first one was Voisin.3. The plane which was equipped with a 100HP Renault
engine entered service in 1914. The engine was changed with the more
powerful Salmson M9 which was 120HP. This was followed by Voisin.5 in
1915. Voisin.5 was equipped with a 150HP Salmson P9 as standart
engine. The last version to go into service was Voisin.8 the
deployment of which took place in 1916. It was powered by an 220HP
Peugeot. Voisin.5 is the most produced model with 300 examples. Until
1916 they served in the Western Front.
two Voisin.%s in the Ottoman armed forces were ex-Russian planes which
were captured in April 1918 in ther Eastern Front. They were assigned
to the 7th Airplane Co. but they were lost on September and November
2, motor/engine: Salmson P9 9 silindir radyal/9 cyl. radial, gücü/power:
150HP, kanat açıklığı/wingspan:14.75m, uzunluk/length: 9.53m, yükseklik/height:
3.63m, azami ağırlık/max to weight: 1140kg, hız/speed: 105km/h,
tavan/ceiling: 3500m, havada kalış süresi/airborne endurance: 3
½ hr. Silah donanımı/armament: 1 xMG or/veya 1 x 37mm top/cannon