Mikhailovich Myacischev bir
Sovyet uçak tasarımcısı ve mühendislik servislerinin bir Tümgeneralidir.
MVTU’dan (Moskova Havacılık Teknik Üniversitesi) mezun
oldukdan sonra TsAGI içindeki Tupolev Tasarım Ofisi’nde
çalışmaya başladı. TB_1, TB-3 ve ANT-20”Maksim Gorki” uçaklarının
geliştirilmesinde görev aldı. DC-3’lerin lisans altında üretimine
katkılarda bulundu.
gibi tevkif edildi ve NKVD’ye (sonraları KGB) bağlı
TsKB-29’da, kendi gibi tutuklu olan Petlyakov’un bölümünde çalışmaya
başladı. Daha sonra ünvanı geri verildi ve 22 No.lu Kazan
fabrikası deneysel tasarım bürosunda baş tasarımcı olarak çalışmaya
başladı. Burada 1943-1946 yılları arasında Pe-2, DIS ve
DB-108’lerin geliştirilmesine katkılarda bulundu.
bürosu tekrar kapatıldı ve Moskova Havacılık Enstitüsü’nde
hoca oldu. 1947’de profesör oldu.
bürosu tekrar kuruldu ve tekrar baş tasarımcı oldu. Bu ofisde
M-4, 3M ve M-50 meydana getirildi.
Mikhailovich Myascischev is a Soviet aircraft designer and a
major-general of engineering services. After graduation from
MVTU(Moscow Aeronautical Technical University) he started working at
Tupolev Design Bureau which was within the TsAGI. He participated in
the development of TB-1, TB-3, ANT-20 “Maxim Gorki” aircrafts.
Starting on 1934 he was appointed the chief of the experimental
planes brigade of TsAGI and he took part in the realization of
ANT-41(T-1) torpedo bomber. He also assisted the production of
DC-3’s under licence.
many others he was imprisoned and forced to work in TsKB-29 of the NKVD(Later KGB) in Petlyakov’s department
who was imprisoned like him . His reputation was regranted and he
was appointed the head of the experimental design department at
Kazan plant Nr.22. There he assisted the designs of Pe-2, DIS,
DB-108 during 1943-1946.
his design bureau was disbanded and he became a tutor at Moscow
Aviation Institute. He became proffessor in1947.
1951 was re-instated and he became the chief designer of
the design bureau 23 where M-4, 3M and M-50 were generated.
1960-1967 he was the chief of TsAGI and the general designer of the
experimental machine-building plant EMZ (Eksperimantelny Mashinniy
Zavod-Experimental Machine Works) which was named Myasischev after
his death.